
Cultivating the primeval forest of the future begins here with you.

We plant and protect trees to improve natural biodiversity.

Our mission is to maintain biodiversity and provide information about nature.

You can purchase a tree that we will plant in a forest. Planted forests will become nature reserves.You can also purchase a growing tree, which we ring and mark as your own tree. There may be a possibility that nature reserve areas can be named according to our customers. As a commitment, we ensure that the planted saplings begin to grow during their initial years of life. You will receive precise location information through the GPS system, allowing you to visit your tree whenever you desire throughout your lifetime. Your own name and the date of purchase will be attached to the tree. We aim to provide people with hope in the form of their own tree. Planting a tree is, therefore, a significant act in this regard. The more trees we plant, the more effectively the lungs of the world function. Join us and buy your own tree today.

“Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything to help it," said Mark Twain.

Our Organization

Global carbon offset and carbon footprint are widely discussed topics, but very few ordinary individuals can actually do anything about it. Now, it's possible with the World Lungs service. We are an honest Finnish entity with strong and extensive experience in forestry and forest management. Our purpose is to enhance the world's lungs by planting forests. You can be a part of shaping the future. We own empty fields where we have started growing future old-growth forests with the help of our customers. Our mission is to cultivate future primeval forests from our woodlands, where the diversity of animal and plant species is exceptionally vast. We will not undertake silvicultural measures in the forests. Why? Because the world can never have too many primeval forests. Our children will have the opportunity to explore primeval forests created by trees purchased and planted by their parents.

Take Action

In our online store, you'll find various price options for tree purchases or special services. Prices starting from €49. It includes planting the tree sapling, attaching a purchase certificate to the tree, sending a picture of the tree to your email, (for larger quantities of tree, a video about the area and plantings is available) and providing GPS coordinates of the location where your tree/s are growing. We currently have several dedicated locations in Finland where we can plant the tree you purchase. Our intention is to expand our business in the future to cover multiple areas in Finland, Sweden and around the world, considering tree plantations. African and Asian countries are our future targets. You can be a part of the world's lungs.