Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Products and service packages delivered to forests or fields are not eligible for cancellation, as they are individual custom orders, and the service is produced based on the customer's request, involving the transportation of goods. They are also part of a service contract, where the service is entirely performed with the consumer's prior consent.

Conditions for Forest Deliveries and Plantations

The selected product will be delivered and planted in the forest according to weather conditions. Planting in Finland occurs from May to September. Therefore, placed orders will wait for future planting within this timeframe. The supplier independently selects a legal location for the plantations in the managed forest and field plantations. After the delivery, the customer receives GPS coordinates of the planting location and a picture of the planted tree sent to the email provided during the order. After planting the tree, sending the picture, and providing GPS coordinates, Suomen Innovaatiotuki Oy has fulfilled its obligations. If the procedure cannot be completed within eight months from the purchase date, Suomen Innovaatiotuki will refund the buyer. The planted tree may not necessarily be exactly the same as shown in the pictures on our website. Suomen Innovaatiotuki Oy is not responsible if the planted tree dies after planting due to weather, animals, human activities, or any other event or circumstance. We will apply for all our planted areas to be designated as nature reserves. The final approval for the designation and the acceptance of the name rests with the Regional State Administrative Agency (ELY Center).

Suomen Innovaatiotuki Oy always delivers a picture of the planted tree to the email address provided by the buyer. The aim is to send the picture on the delivery day or at the latest during the following week.

Suomen innovaatiotuki Oy own the area where spruces/trees are planted. The buyer has purchased trees from an online store to be planted on the site for a better carbon footprint. There is no logging right to the trees. The area is inherently considered a nature conservation area, if a decision to that effect has been made by the Regional State Administrative Agency.

If tree delivery is not possible, Suomen Innovaatiotuki Oy will automatically refund the payment made for the service.

Payment Methods

The current payment method for the online store is Stripe, allowing payment with major credit and debit cards.


Complaints should be addressed to info@thelungsoftheworld.com. Suomen Innovaatiotuki Oy processes each complaint individually and contacts the customer within two weeks of receiving the complaint. Suomen Innovaatiotuki Oy limits the compensation amount in complaints to the customer's paid tree delivery fee at most.

Suomen Innovaatiotuki Oy reserves the right to change prices.


Suomen innovaatiotuki Oy (Finnish innovation Ltd) 28600 Pori, Finland


Business Id:3350250-9