We compensate

Since 2024, we have started the worldwide project to grow the trees for you. You can buy here the own tree and be part of the world carbon footprint project. Every tree is plant by your own. You can get the gps coordinated where your tree is located. If you want. You can visited by tree when every you want. You can find the tree signed with your name and the location is easy to find with gps coordination. Welcome to safe the life and growth the new trees around the world. Production started in Finland which is named greengold land, because of the huge forest area.

Our mission is to help reduce global carbon dioxide emissions with your assistance. You can purchase a tree that we will plant in a forest. We take care of the tree. We aim to provide people with hope in the form of their own tree. Planting a tree is, therefore, a significant act in this regard. The more trees we plant, the more effectively the lungs of the world function. There are various ways in which one person can impact their carbon footprint. Our way is easy and brings a lot of good. This is a unique and new way to prevent climate change. The nature reserve can be named after you. It's possible through our service.

Global carbon offset and carbon footprint are widely discussed topics, but very few ordinary individuals can actually do anything about it. Now, it's possible with the World Lungs service. We are an honest Finnish entity with strong and extensive experience in forestry and forest management. Our purpose is to enhance the world's lungs by planting

The areas where we plant trees are currently located in Northern Finland in Kittilä, Salla and in Southern Finland in Ikaalinen and Pori.

All forests areas will be designated as nature reserves. Our goal is to transform these areas into completely unmanaged new old-growth forests in the future, where people can admire the biodiversity of nature. We will not carry out forest management and pruning in the forests we plant; instead, our aim is to establish a diverse range of wildlife and a wide variety of species in the area. You can be a part of shaping the future.

How we do it?

  • We have a forest or field where we will plant the tree you purchase.

  • We will attach a certificate to your tree indicating who purchased it and when.

  • We will provide you with GPS coordinates, and you can visit your tree at any time during your lifetime if you wish.

  • We will send you a picture of your planted tree to your email. This serves as proof of your positive carbon footprint action.

  • We can send a new picture annually for a fee, and you'll be able to see how your tree grows each year.

  • Each nature reserve will receive a name from among the buyers of trees. You can have a nature reserve named after you, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations. We will annually draw a person from the tree buyers, and the new nature reserve will bear their name. The next drawing will take place in July 2024. The name will be announced on our website after the customer's personal approval.

  • The names of nature conservation areas are determined by the ELY Centre after the application process.

  • Our mission is to increase plantations as people buy their own trees. It's important to remember that only about 1000 trees can grow per hectare

  • The trees purchased by our customers are allowed to grow naturally in their original location. Our intention is to let all trees grow and, in turn, promote the development of biodiversity with the help of animals, organisms, and other plants. There can never be too many old-growth forests in the future.

  • The Finnish nature is a unique place to start growing your own tree. In Finland, we have the opportunity to grow future old-growth forests.

  • The price of the tree you plant in our online store start from 49 euros. It includes planting the tree sapling, attaching a purchase certificate to the tree, sending a picture of the tree to your email, and providing GPS coordinates of the location where your tree is growing.

  • Join us and buy your own tree, and contribute lungs to the world.